Carbon Reduction Strategies

Use Less Energy and Use It Wisely

Our society needs energy for travel, communication and for living at home. Since we cannot live without it, we need to find ways to conserve our energy use. Also, when it’s used, people should be smart about how they use it.

Home Life Travel Around Town Long Distance Travel
Energy efficient appliances can conserve water and energy! Choosing such appliances is a wise decision – why doesn’t everyone do it? Walking or riding a bicycle is good for the environment and good for personal health. How could communities encourage more people to choose these wise ways of getting around? Airplanes release a lot of carbon into the air. Trains and buses are a wiser way to travel.


People are not the only long distance travelers. Food travels too! It’s a wise choice to seek out and support local farmers markets – because local food has traveled less to get to you.


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